荣誉点 & 活动


点系统 is designed to motivate Honors students to remain active and engaged.



As a general rule, students can earn points for all activities for which they are not receiving financial compensation or academic credit. 



研究生s with Honors medallions


  • To graduate with Honors: 120点
  • To earn an Honors Medallion: 150点

Recommended milestones: 30 points per year

注意: Meeting either threshold satisfies only part of the Honors graduation requirement; for more on the complete fulfillment of this requirement, 参考 活动的目标 下面的部分.

Exceptions can be made for Transfer students or for students who joined the Honors program after their 1st year, as well as on a case-by-case basis. Please consult with the Program Coordinator or Director.


In earning their points through a variety of different activities, Honors students develop a wide array of professional skills while also building a sprawling network of connections both at Saint Mary's and beyond.



Honors students at the Fall Preview Day 2023


Each activity can earn a student a certain number of points toward a their graduation goal. By the time they graduate, students who have met one of the points thresholds above will have participated in each category of activities below. Expand each item to learn more about the points and details for each section.

  • Each colloquium attended: 1点.
  • 的 recommendation is to attend 10 colloquia in your 1st year and 10 in your 2nd year.
  • Learn more about Colloquia
  • Each colloquium led: 2点.
  • 的 recommendation is to lead 5 colloquia in your 3rd year and another 5 colloquia in your 4th year.
  • Learn more about Colloquia
  • Participation in an Honors event: 1点.
  • 领导 role/organization of an Honors event: 2点.
  • Service role at an Honors event: 3点.
  • 的 recommendation is to earn 10 points per year in this category.
  • Career activities (要求)
    • Attend a 职业中心 1-on-1 Session
    • Attend a 职业中心 Workshop
    • Participate in Soph Serve (peer-mentoring)
    • Get a campus leadership role (soft skill)
    • Participate in alumni-mentoring*

*Subject to availability

  • Participation in a Non-Honors event: 1点
  • 领导 role/organization of an event: 2点
  • Service role at an event: 3点
  • 会议 (1最低)
    • Presenting research at an SMC conference (including the SMC Student Conference): 3点
    • Presenting research at a conference (non-SMC): 5分
  • Student jobs (full and part-time): 3 - 5点 (depending on hours)**
  • Uncompensated Summer course or volunteer 服务 (without receiving academic credit): 5 - 10分
  • 带薪实习: 3点
  • Unpaid internship: 5分
  • Other forms of experience for which you are not receiving financial compensation or academic credit can also be petitioned for points (orchestra, 服务, attendance at academic events not 要求 for a class, 出国留学, 等.)***

**A student can earn a maximum of 20 total points from student jobs in 4 years.
***Athletic events do not count as Non-Honors activities.


Student presenting research

Track Your Progress

In Summer 2023, we built a new app to track student success. Now, Honors students can track and assess their own learning in the classroom and beyond. 

As you progress through your academic years, you can plan your journey and optimize it for your individual needs.

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