用他们自己的话说: Andrew Aroutynov ' 24 on Being a ‘Data Science Pioneer’ 和 Doing Classwork with a Fortune 500 Company

He’s one of the first graduates of the new 数据科学项目. 他参与了NASA和雪佛龙的项目. 他最近还获得了首届艾达·洛夫莱斯奖. 他对SMC最欣赏的是什么? “机会,”他说.

by 海登摆架子 特约撰稿人| 二零二四年五月十四日

用他们自己的话说 is a series in which we introduce you to the Gaels you need to meet—students, 校友, 教师, 还有员工,让他们讲述自己的故事, 用他们自己的话来说.

满足 Andrew Aroutynov ' 24: 我一生都住在旧金山 圣玛丽新发展的第一批毕业生之一 数据科学项目. Aroutynov也是该组织的主席 数据科学俱乐部我主修双学位 业务分析她是首届艾达·洛夫莱斯奖的得主. 以世界上第一位计算机程序员的名字命名, the award will be presented annually to a graduating senior with an outst和ing scholastic record in Data Science.



我在旧金山出生和长大. For the first few years of school, I went to a bilingual Russian-English academy. 实际上,我的第一语言是俄语. 我妈妈来自乌克兰,我爸爸来自乌兹别克斯坦. They moved here around 1990, partly to escape the fall of the Soviet Union. 但是,对他们来说,这里有更多的机会. 

My parents both work in tech, so I was exposed to that environment my entire life. Around the age of 12, my mom tried getting me to do these Python coding boot camps for kids. I’d give them a shot, but after 20 minutes, I’d be like, “No, not for me.” Which is funny to think about, given that now data 和 coding take up most of my time.

第一份工作? 有一个应用程序可以做到这一点.

Andrew Aroutynov '24简介
小的校园, stellar opportunities: Through Saint Mary's 技术、工程和商业(TEB)计划, Aroutynov与NASA合作, pursuing a solo project on drone obstacle avoidance 和 automation. / Francis Tatem摄

总有一些迹象把我引向数据数据工作, 数据科学, data analytics—和 I never really listened until I came to Saint Mary’s. For instance, in high school, I got my first job working at a start-up. It was a soccer-based fitness app that tracked your measurements, stats, heart rate, 和 so on. I wasn’t on the backend like I am now; I was more on the front end, 与客户沟通并测试产品. But given that it was only a team of five, I still got to experience a lot.

I remember one night, after my own soccer practice, I found a bug within the app. This was actually the day before we launched the product; obviously, we were on a huge time crunch. 所以我在晚上10点给我们唯一的工程师发了信息.m. Then I drove to downtown San Francisco 和 met him outside his apartment. 他穿着睡衣下了楼, 我们坐在咖啡馆里, 想在它上线前修好它!

That was my first exposure to the nitty-gritty of backend development 和 how everything really works. 我想这才是最吸引我的地方.


来圣玛丽了, I was hoping to pursue something in the realm of analytics but mix it with entrepreneurship or marketing. That is, until the College introduced the Data Science major during my sophomore year. 它一被介绍出来,我就立刻转向了它. 我只知道这就是我想做的. 

Those of us in the first graduating class of Data Science see ourselves as pioneers, 不仅仅是SMC. We are one of the few institutions to offer such an extensive undergraduate Data Science degree. 我喜欢这个项目的原因, 就我个人而言, is how we are able to explore so many different industries 和 use data to make them more efficient. 

技术、工程和商业(TEB)计划, for instance, a yearlong program where students get to solve real-world tech problems. 2023年夏天, the TEB program allowed me to pursue a solo project with NASA on a drone obstacle avoidance project, 自动化整个过程. Then in fall 2023 I took a class in cloud computing 和 got to partner with Chevron on a project. I can’t speak too much on it—we had to sign a nondisclosure agreement—but basically, 我们帮助优化了他们的化学打鼓工艺. 这真是一次超现实的经历, getting to partner with a Fortune 500 company like that for a college course.

"在十大正规网赌平台,你与老师和同学的关系越来越密切. 你正在获得联系, but you’re also forming this team—a sort of unstoppable force of community 和 support."


因为SMC是一所小型学校, we Data Science students get opportunities we might not get at other schools. Would I have gotten to work with Chevron or NASA projects elsewhere? 也许不是. 但在这里,每个人都可以参与进来. You can do whatever you want to do, really, 和 pursue whatever you’re interested in. 

十大正规网赌平台,你与老师和同学的关系越来越密切. 你正在获得联系, but you’re also forming this team—a sort of unstoppable force of community 和 support. 

Andrew Aroutynov '24 和 other students at the 数据科学俱乐部
数据科学俱乐部的一些成员,从左起: 欧文·霍德林,24岁, Renata Krivenko, 25岁, Andrew Aroutynov ' 24. 和 迈克尔·卡诺24岁. Aroutynov和俱乐部定期举办Excel研讨会, 带着学生, 工作人员, 教授电子表格程序的基础知识. / Francis Tatem摄

赢得首届Ada Lovelace数据科学奖 

Funnily enough, I was notified on my birthday; a wonderful gift from SMC.

It’s an honor to be part of Saint Mary’s first class of Data Scientists, 和 even more so to be recognized as the first winner of this award. 正如我所说,这里的道路并不简单. But I was fortified by my loved ones, my classmates, my professors—my circle of support. 对我来说,这个奖项是我人生旅途中的一个重要关卡.


As I look toward graduation, I really do see my career being driven by innovation. 我对很多事情都充满激情, but if there’s a role that would allow me to apply my skills to advance the sports medicine or automotive industries, 那将是梦想成真. 这可能意味着要留在旧金山湾区. It’s definitely a hotspot, especially given how AI has transformed my industry in recent years. 而且,现在有了远程工作,我可以在任何地方工作. 为什么不搬到蒙大拿的山区去呢?

从本质上讲,我设想一个由创新引导的职业生涯. 有无数的问题需要解决. 我想找出它们,找到解决它们的方法.


海登摆架子 is Staff Writer at the Office of Marketing 和 Communications for Saint Mary's College. 给他写.